Puffball and Dustball Break Up
... another disappointment

Dustball became an abusive partner.

It is very rare for desert hamsters who have accepted each other to start fighting. But after Dustball and Puffball had been together peacefully for about three weeks, Dustball suddenly became mean and aggressive. He would not let Puffball eat, drink water, or go in the wheel. He was only nice to Puffball if she stayed in the corner of their home.

At first Dustball just chased Puffball and made awful faces. But when he bit her so hard that he drew blood, I had to separate the tiny couple. Unfortunately, we do not have room for any more hamster homes, so I had no choice but to take Dustball back to the pet shop.

As always, the people there were very nice. They said they would find a good home for Dustball where he could have his own space that he wouldn't have to share with any other desert hamsters.

And they gave us Little Spot in exchange! He looked so much like Bright Spot that we had to see if he and Puffball could live together.

Puffball's story - Part 1...

Puffball's story - Part 2...

Puffball's story - Part 3...

Puffball's story - Part 4...

Puffball's story - Part 5...

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Text, photos, and source code © Merry L. Morris